Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Official Fall of 2012

Today is the 3rd day of January and the first official fall of the year has occurred.  I work on the 2nd floor of a 2-story building, and going up and down stairs has never been my strong suit.  Seeing as how I am still suffering from a ankle injury this past September, the stairs are even more dangerous for me now than ever, yet I refuse to take the elevator.  Maybe because I work for a wheelchair van company, but I feel terribly guilty as an able-bodied person when I wait for the elevator in a lobby full of wheelchair users.

But I digress.

I made it down the stairs in one piece, but lost my balance as soon as I hit the tile floor.  I wobbled, my bad ankle screaming at me, and fell against the wall.  My car key scraped the length of the wall as I caught my balance.

This is an every day thing, so I didn't think much of it and proceeded to walk toward the door when my co-worker stopped me and said, "That was an interesting sound."

Turns out when a key scrapes down the length of a wall it sounds like a gigantic fart.

Welcome to 2012, ladies and gentlemen.  I hope you enjoy the ride.



  1. This is just the beginning! I have a feeling last years falls hold nothing on this year! I still have a broken left pinky!
